Sep 2019 - Jun 2023

June 2024 - Present
University of California Los Angeles                                                                                   Los Angeles, CA
B.A. in Design Media Arts     Minor: Digital Humanities     GPA: 3.96/4.0     GRE: 331
Honors: UCLA MAGNA CUM LAUDE Honor in 2023; Best Senior Award for UCLA DMA Exhibition in   2023; Best Freshman Award for UCLA DMA Exhibition in 2019; Dean’s Honors List

Harvard University                                                                                                                 Cambridge, MA
M. Ed. in. Learning, Innovation, Design and Technology


Oct 2023 - Current
Aug 2023 - Current
Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center | Multimedia Intern                                  New York, NY 
UCLA Art|Sci | Artist                                                                                                               Hybrid 


Dec 2023 - Feb 2024
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
Jun 2022 -  Sep 2022
Mar 2021-Aug 2021
Jul 2020-Sep 2020
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | International Center for EngineeringEducation
Teaching Research and Educational Product Design Intern                                
NOVI BOX | Social Media Content Creator                                                                    New York, NY
Houdini School | Junior Artist                                                                                              Los Angeles, LA 
ARKIE CONTENT HUB | Product Design Intern                                                           Shanghai, China
China Industrial Design Institute (CIDI) | Design Intern                                              Shanghai, China  



“Aligned Illusion”, Collaborative Solo Exhibition, October 28, Governor’s Insland, New York, USA
“Whale Falls: Beneath the Surface”, Sincerely, Senior Capstone Show at UCLA, Jun 8 - Jun 20, Los Angeles, USA
“Nostalgia: Long Way to Go”, Hey I’m at the Interaction of Art and Technology, Can You Pick Me Up?,  UCLA UG Show 2023, Jan 18 - Feb 6, Los Angeles, USA
“Nostalgia: Long Way to Go”,  Liquify, Feb 18 - 20, Yiwei Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
“Fam-heir”, Wuxi Art Culture Festival, March 14 - 17, Wuxi, China
“Prelude to Water Melody”, Wuxi Art Culture Festival, March 10 - 17, Wuxi, China
“Prelude to Water Melody”, Migration, UCLA UG Show 2020, Jan 14 - 24, Los Angeles, USA


  • 2023

  • 2022


Bardo Songs: Music & Illumination on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, UCLA Art | Sci Center, AI Visuals                        
A meditative live concert inspired by the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, under the guidance of Dr. Victoria Vesna
  • Collaborated with Tibetan music and art performers to bring together a fusion of music, ritual dance, and AI-generative visuals
  • Researched Tibetan Buddhism to create AI-generated visuals, enriching the immersive experience for over 300 participants

Whale Fall: Beneath the Surface, AR Installation                                                                                                                                                              
Project for graduate thesis under the guidance of Professor Christian Moeller
  • Researched the process of whale falls, exploring how they contribute to the birth of new life in the underwater ecosyste
  • Designed and developed an AR installation using Unity ARKit to provide an interactive 3D animated experience

Nostalgia, Interactive 2D Game Installation                                                                                                
A narrative-driven adventure game about Alzheimer’s, published on, showcased at the Liquify exhibition, Yiwei Gallery
  • Conceptualized and developed a narrative perspective, guiding players to experience the gameplay from the viewpoint of an infant exploring a dream while unraveling their identity as an Alzheimer’s patient based on memory recollections
  • Conducted research and interviews, integrating personal belongings from elderly interviewees into in-game assets, including words, illustrations, audio clips, and settings, enhancing the players’ emotional connection to this underrepresented group

Consciousness Island, VR Installation                                                                                                                                 
A narrative-driven open-world game simulating a Chinese primary school student from the 2000s, published on
  • Utilized onsite photos and 3D modeling to recreate the game setting through photogrammetry texture and low-poly forms
  • Designed the storyboard and player’s game experience based on research and personal experience, exploring the mental health challenges faced by young students in the contemporary social context

Fam-heir, Photography                                                                                                                                                
A photography book dedicated to documenting the preservation and adaptation of traditional Chinese culture in Los Angeles
  • Captured and documented elements derived from traditional Chinese culture by visiting local Chinese neighborhoods in LA
  • Curated a photography book that revives forgotten memories and traditions within Gen Z in China during the 2010s 

Multimedia | Learning Technology | AI | XR